Using a comma with because

Your high school English teacher probably told you to never precede because with a comma. Maybe they even told you it’s because it’s a subordinating conjunction—it connects an independent clause and a subordinate clause—and subordinating conjunctions don’t typically take a comma. But sometimes not using a comma can create confusion. Here are a couple examples… Continue reading Using a comma with because

Categorised as Writing

Difference between like and as

This is part of the difference between series. Did you know there’s a difference between like and as? I mean, more than just their spelling. Most people probably don’t, and that’s probably because most people just use like. Here’s the difference between the two.

Is it correct to say “happiest birthday”?

Recently, I had a visitor to my website who had arrived after searching in Google for: is it correct to say happiest birthday? It’s too late to answer this person’s question directly, but perhaps someone else might ask it in the future and come across this post.

Categorised as Writing