I’m not sure what it is, but I have seen an increase in the use of the nonesensical word monthiversary lately. It’s used to refer to a monthly celebration of a certain date (This is our third monthiversary). The problem is that there is already a word for monthly celebrations. It’s mensiversary. Sure, the naysayers… Continue reading Mensiversary, not monthiversary
Category: Writing
Canadian Style Tip #27: Periods
This post is part of the Canadian Style series. 1.03 Periods Use periods with most lower-case abbreviations (mph is one exception). a.m. p.m. e.g. i.e.
Canadian Style Tip #26: Time references and historical periods and events
This post is part of the Canadian Style series. 4.17 Time references and historical periods and events Do not capitalize the names of the seasonsm centuries or decades nless they are personifed or are part of special names. winter the thirties Old Man Winter Dirty Thirties
Canadian Style Tip #25: Initial numbers
This post is part of the Canadian Style series. 5.04 Initial numbers Spell out a number when it occurs at the bbeginning of a sentence, as well as any related nmbers closely following it: Ninety-six dogs attacked the twelve cats. Where this would result in a cmbersome contruction, rewrite the sentence. A pack of 96… Continue reading Canadian Style Tip #25: Initial numbers
Canadian Style Tip #24: Possession for two nouns
This post is part of the Canadian Style series. 7.59 Possession for two nouns If possession is shared by two or more subjects, add ’s to the last word only. Kim and Mary’s family To indicate individual possession, ’s is added to each element in the series. Kim’s and Mary’s likes and dislikes
Canadian Style Tip #23: Plurals
This post is part of the Canadian Style series. 5.23 Plurals Plurals of numerals are usually formed by adding an s. I was born in the 1970s. She paid me with four 20s.
Difference between historical and historic
This is part of the difference between series. Historical means “related to history,” while historic means “something important from history.” The Apollo moon landing was historic. and Louis Riel was one of the historical figures who helped shape Canada.
Canadian Style Tip #22: Reference to words as such
This post is part of the Canadian Style series. 8.11 Reference to words as such When referring to a word’s form rather than its meaning, use quotation marks to draw the reader’s attention; although most writers prefer to place such words in italics. Just be consistent. Words being defined, French terms, and foreign words are… Continue reading Canadian Style Tip #22: Reference to words as such
Difference between whatever and whichever
This is part of the difference between series. I’ve heard some people confusing the words whatever and whichever. Here’s the difference between the two.
Difference between biannual and biennial
This is part of the difference between series. Biannual means “occuring twice a year”. Biennial means “occuring every two years”.