Is it correct to say “happiest birthday”?

Recently, I had a visitor to my website who had arrived after searching in Google for: is it correct to say happiest birthday? It’s too late to answer this person’s question directly, but perhaps someone else might ask it in the future and come across this post.

Categorised as Writing

Does Canadian English use story or storey?

One of the challenges of Canadian English is that it incorporates British English while simultaneously incorporating American English. This is particularly confusing when it comes to choosing which words to use. Take the words story and storey, for example.

From I or from me?

I recently had someone visit this website from a Google search for the following phrase: from i or from me I presume they’re wondering about such sentences as “Is that blue present from me?” The quick answer is that you would say, “from me”. I tried as much as I could, but I couldn’t think… Continue reading From I or from me?