Difference between evoke and invoke

This is part of the difference between series.

I recently encountered a document that misused the word invoke, confusing it for evoke. So I thought I’d do a post on the difference between the two.


Evoke is used when the speaker wants to communicate a calling forth or a calling up. For example, if you want to recall a memory or prompt emotions.

  • That ratatouille evoked childhood memories of my mum’s cooking.
  • Hearing that girl’s story evoked sympathy in his once cold heart.


Invoke, on the other hand, is used more when the speaker wants to communicate putting something into effect or calling upon laws or authority.

  • The teacher invoked the school dress code when the Grade 11 student wore a shirt with profanity on it.
  • He invoked his right to remain silent because he knew he’d been wrongly apprehended.

Which words do you confuse? Let me know in the comments below.

By Kim Siever

I am a copywriter and copyeditor. I blog on writing and social media tips mostly, but I sometimes throw in my thoughts about running a small business. Follow me on Twitter at @hotpepper.