Stake centre in Abu Dhabi: Elder Holland dedicates chapel in Middle East

Strictly speaking, the Middle East is part of Asia, but I’m including this here because it is part of the same area as northern Africa.

The Middle East Africa North Area encompasses 20 countries, with Morocco on the west and Afghanistan on the east. In this vast geographical region stands just one building constructed by the Church solely as a meetinghouse for its members. That building is the newly completed Abu Dhabi Stake Center in the United Arab Emirates, which Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve dedicated on Feb. 22.

Read more at LDS Church News

Jeffrey R. Holland reflects on visit to Sierra Leon

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles organized the 3,000th worldwide stake of the Church in Freetown, Sierra Leone, in December 2012. The stake is the first in the West African nation and consists of eight congregations (around 3,000 members).

Read more at Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Reflects On Visit to African Nation

Church growth in Africa

The Cumorah Foundation recently published its February 2013 newsletter, which included several pieces about the growth of the LDS Church in Africa, including:

  • Opening of Tamale, Ghana to missionary work
  • Wards in Praia, Cape Verde Stake increased from 6 to 8
  • 5 new missions in Africa
  • First missionaries assigned to northern Ghana
  • Congregational growth trends in Nigeria

Church’s 3000th stake organized in Sierra Leone

A historic milestone was reached Sunday, Dec. 2, with the creation of the 3,000th stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve organized the Freetown Sierra Leone Stake, the first stake in Sierra Leone, a West African country of about 5.6 million people.

via LDS Church News – Churchs 3,000th stake.

First branch created in Gabon

Two Sundays ago, the Church created its first branch in the African country of Gabon.  The Libreville Branch was organized from the Libreville Group and had 15 local members in attendance.  The Church obtained government registration within the past couple months, paving the way for the organization of an official church congregation in the country.  Missionaries serving in the DR Congo Kinshasa Mission report plans are underway to assign a senior missionary couple and young proselytizing missionaries to Gabon as soon as possible.  Prior to assignment to the DR Congo Kinshasa Mission earlier this year, an administrative branch operated by the Africa Southeast Area serviced Gabon as a means of tracking any members residing in the country.

via LDS Church Growth: First LDS Branch Created in Gabon.

2 new stakes created in DRC

The Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Binza Stake was organized from the Kinshasa DR Congo Mont Ngafula and Kinshasa DR Congo Ngaliema Stakes and includes the following seven wards and one branch: The Binza, Binza Pigeon, Binza UPN, Lubudi, Musey, Nsanga Maba, and Manenga Wards and the Camp Luka Branch.  The Kinshasa DR Congo Mont Ngafula Stake now includes five wards and two branches whereas the Kinshasa DR Congo Ngaliema Stake includes seven wards.  The boundaries of the Kinshasa DR Congo Stake were also redrawn as a result of the creation of the new stake in Binza.


The Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Mokali Stake was organized from the Kinshasa DR Congo Masina and Kinshasa DR Congo Kimbanseke Stakes and includes the following seven wards: The Du Rail, Fer Bois, Kingasani 1st, Mapela, Masina 2nd, Masina 3rd, and Siforco Wards.  The Kinshasa DR Congo Masina Stake now includes six wards whereas the Kinshasa DR Congo Kimbanseke stake includes seven wards.  The geographic size of the new stake numbers among the smallest in Africa due to the high population density of this area of Kinshasa.  Church leaders report that church attendance at the conference to create the new stake constituted 93% of church membership of the two original stakes.  The Church reports some of its highest member activity and convert retention rates in the world in the DR Congo.

via LDS Church Growth: Two New Stakes Created in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

New stake president in Aba, Nigeria

ABA NIGERIA STAKE: (Sept. 22, 2012) President — Kennedy Asuburke Godwin Njoku, 35, chief executive officer; succeeding Francis Onyebueze Nmeribe; wife, Christiana Amaka Ogoke Njoku. Counselors — Justice Nwachinemere Otuonye, 32, doctor; wife, Kate Anurika Otuonye. Francis Ngozi Nji, 50, security officer; wife, Uloma Constance Nji.

via LDS Church News.