New Districts in Nigeria

Last Sunday, two new districts were created in Nigeria from a division of the Asaba Nigeria District.  The Agbor Nigeria District appears to include two branches (Agbor 1st and Agbor 2nd) whereas the Ogwashi-Nsukwa Nigeria District appears to include five branches (Adonte, Nsukwa, Ogwashi-Uku 1st, Ogwashi-Uku 2nd, and Ogwashi-Uku 3rd).  The strategy of the newly organized Nigeria Benin City Mission appears to center on helping each of these districts progress into stakes as opposed to facilitating the original Asaba Nigeria District to become a stake.  The realigned Asaba Nigeria District now appears to include just five branches (four in Asaba and one in Illah).  There are now 22 stakes and 21 districts in Nigeria.

LDS Church Growth: New Stake in Missouri; New Districts in Nigeria.

Unprecedented Growth in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Within the past two years, the Church has begun to experience unprecedented growth in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.  The number of wards in Abidjan has increased from 30 at year-end 2011 to 46 at present; a more than 50% increase in less than two years.  This phenomenal growth stands as perhaps the most rapid church growth experienced within the past decade considering it takes the Church often a decade for 50% growth in church units to occur for even locations where high receptivity occurs.

via LDS Church Growth: Unprecedented Growth in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

New stake presidency in Mokali, DRC

KINSHASA DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO MOKALI STAKE: (Sept. 15, 2013) President — Tshimanga-Kapepula Vally, 43, officer of the state; succeeding Mhongompasi P. Chamberlain; wife, Christine Kapenga-Mulembwe. Counselors — Balakompandje Iyelenge Jean Paul, 38, manager; wife, Fify Cuendu. Kingunzi Ukonda Jean, 50, store manager; wife, Macayica Luidine Kumbu.

via LDS Church News – New stake presidents.

Rapid LDS Growth in Ghana – Predictions for New Stakes and Districts

The Church in Ghana is currently experiencing rapid growth as evidenced by the creation of new wards and branches on a regular basis, the opening of previously unreached cities to proselytism, and significant increases to the number of full-time missionaries assigned to the country.  The number of LDS missions in Ghana has increased from one in 2004 to four in 2013.  No other country in the world had only one mission in 2004 and today has as many missions as Ghana.

Read more at LDS Church Growth.

Update on missionaries going to Gabon

So the senior couple gets there in less than two weeks. Basically the government wouldn’t give us complete official recognition to send in missionaries until they saw physical proof of the church like: a building. So a church employee was sent there a couple weeks ago to look for a building to rent out (the members of the small branch have been meeting in a member’s house). He found a perfect house that could be used as a church building with no renovations necessary, it is good to go.

Go to Elder Ryan Lavering’s Missionary Website to read all the details.

Former missionaries to Morocco new mission president in South Africa

John Alma Zackrison, 60, and Dorothy Lenore Widtfeldt Zackrison, six children, Edgemont 1st Ward, Provo Utah Edgemont Stake: South Africa Durban Mission. Brother Zackrison serves as bishop of a young single adult ward and is a former high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishopric counselor, humanitarian missionary in Morocco, high priests group leader, ward Young Men president, Scoutmaster and missionary in the France-Belgium Mission. Of Counsel, Kirton McConkie. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to John Randall and Mary Elizabeth Zackrison.

Sister Zackrison serves as a ward young single adult adviser. She served with her husband as a humanitarian missionary in Morocco and is a former temple ordinance worker, ward Young Women president, gospel doctrine teacher, Cub Scout leader, nursery leader and seminary teacher. Born in Oakland, Calif., to John Wendell and Anne Wood Ream Widtfeldt.

via LDS Church News – New mission presidents.

New mission president called for Zambia

Leif Jay Erickson, 53, and Linda Nebeker Erickson, four children, Eagle Crest 3rd Ward, Alpine Utah North Stake: Zambia Lusaka Mission. Brother Erickson is a gospel doctrine teacher and is a former stake president, bishop, stake mission president, high councilor, ward mission leader and missionary in the Australia Sydney Mission. Retired senior vice president, Fidelity Investments. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Wilford Byron and Beryl Neilson Erickson.

Sister Erickson serves as a ward Relief Society president and is a former stake Relief Society President, counselor in ward and stake Young Women presidencies, ward missionary, seminary teacher, stake employment specialist and counselor in a ward Primary presidency. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Richard Hulme and Ann Alice Nebeker.

via LDS Church News – New mission presidents.