New stake created in Nigeria

On June 29th, the Church organized a new stake in Nigeria. The Enugu Nigeria Stake was organized from the Enugu Nigeria District and seven of the branches in the former district now pertain to the new stake. Information regarding which branches became wards remains unavailable. One branch was closed as part of the district becoming a stake Enugu Nigeria District Branch and two branches were reassigned directly to the Nigeria Enugu Mission Nsukka and Obollo-Afor. The Enugu Nigeria District was previously one of the two oldest districts in the country the other being the Onitsha Nigeria District, and was organized back in 1988.

via LDS Church Growth

Details on new stakes in Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, and Nigeria; New Districts in Liberia and Sierra Leone

Cape Verde

On May 25th, the Church organized its third stake in Cape Verde. The Sao Felipe Cape Verde Stake was organized from the Fogo Cape Verde District. Details on which branches became wards are still not available; I will post these as a comment once I obtain this information. The Church continues to experience rapid growth in Cape Verde as evidenced by the Church organizing its first stake in 2012 and its second stake in 2013. The Praia Cape Verde Stake also appears likely to divide at any time as the stake now has 10 wards and five branches.

Cote d’Ivoire

On June 1st, the Church organized a new stake in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. The Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire Niangon South Stake was organzied from the Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire Niangon Stake (now renamed Niangon North) and includes the following six wards: the Azito, Coprim, Niangon 1st, Niangon 2nd, Sideci 1st, and Sideci 2nd Wards. There are now six stakes in the Abidjan area, with another stake or two likely to be created in the next year. The Church in Cote d’Ivoire is currently experiencing the most rapid LDS growth in the world as membership increased by over 20% in 2013 and the number of congregations in the Abidjan area has nearly doubled within the past three years.


On June 15th, the Church organized a new stake in western Nigeria. The Ibadan Nigeria District became a stake. Details on which branches became wards remains unavailable, but will be posted as a comment to this post once I obtain this information. The establishment of the Ibadan Nigeria Stake is a major LDS growth development in Nigeria as it is the first stake to be organized in the Yorubaland region outside of Lagos and the district was previously one of the oldest districts in the country.

There are now 24 stakes and 21 districts in Nigeria.


On June 8th, the Church created its third district in the Monrovia area. The Paynesville Liberia District was organized from the Monrovia Liberia District and includes the following five branches: the Gardnersville, New Georgia, Paynesville 1st, Paynesville 2nd, and Tinker Village Branches. Boundaries for the Monrovia Liberia and Monrovia Liberia Bushrod Island Districts were also realigned. There are now three districts in Liberia. The mission president reports that new branches will be organized in the Monrovia area within the near future.

Sierra Leone

On June 1st, the Church organized a new district in Bo, Sierra Leone. The Bo Sierra Leone East District was organized from the Bo Sierra Leone District (now renamed Bo West) and includes the following four branches: the Lewabu, Messima, New Barracks, and Sewa Road Branches. The decision to create the new district has come on the heals of the creation of a second district in the Freetown area (Kossoh Town) and likely indicates plans to organize additional branches. There is now one stake and five districts in Sierra Leone.

Read more at LDS Church Growth.

New stake in Nigeria; new district in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Last Sunday, the Church organized a new stake in Nigeria. The Umuahia Nigeria Stake was organized from the Umuahia Nigeria District. No details are currently available regarding whether all 13 original branches are within the new stake and which branches became wards. There are now 23 stakes and 21 districts in Nigeria.

Last Sunday, the Church organized a new district in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Mwene-Ditu Democratic Republic of the Congo District was organized from four mission branches within the city. The Church organized two of these mission branches in late 2013. The first branch in Mwene-Ditu began operating in 2008. There are now 12 stakes and four districts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

via LDS Church Growth

First official branches created in Tamale, Ghana

Opened to missionaries in February 2013, Tamale has a population of approximately half a million and is the most northern city in Ghana that has had full-time missionaries assigned. Multiple member groups were organized within the first couple months following the arrival of full-time missionaries in 2013. By early 2014, missionary reports indicated that as many as four member groups appeared to be operating. Few convert baptisms have occurred in the city as approximately 80% of the population is Muslim and missionaries were initially discouraged from teaching Muslims.

via LDS Church Growth

New mission president called for Ghana Cape Coast Mission

Richard Scott Stevenson, 57, and Marion Penelope Speir Stevenson, five children, Lake Oswego Ward, Lake Oswego Oregon Stake: Ghana Cape Coast Mission, succeeding President Jeffrey L. Shulz and Sister Lynnette Shulz. Brother Stevenson is a former stake president, bishop, counselor in a stake presidency, high councilor, temple ordinance worker, seminary teacher and missionary in the Sweden Göteborg Mission. Chief Financial Officer, Fog Cutter Capital Group Inc. Born in Henderson, Nev., to William Leon and Winnie Nell Heywood Stevenson.

Sister Stevenson serves as a Primary teacher and is a former counselor in a stake Primary presidency, ward Primary president, ward Young Women adviser and ward missionary. Born in Santo Andre, São Paulo, Brazil, to Andre Marcel and Else Thera Joyce Briet Spier.

via LDS Church News.

New mission president called for the Accra Ghana Mission

David Louis Heid, 63, and Delynn Susan Parry Heid, three children, Fallbrook 2nd Ward, Vista California Stake: Ghana Accra Mission, succeeding President Daniel K Judd and Sister Kaye Judd. Brother Heid serves as a high priests group leader assistant and is a former PEF missionary in the Africa West Area (Ghana), counselor in a stake presidency, bishop, stake mission president, stake Young Men president, seminary teacher and missionary in the South Africa Mission. Educator and coach. Born in Seattle, Wash., to Elmer Louis and Bonnie Jean Paris Heid.

Sister Heid serves as a stake public affairs director and is a former PEF missionary in Ghana, ward Primary president, counselor in a ward Young Women presidency, ward missionary, temple ordinance worker and seminary teacher. Born in Alhambra, Calif., to Richard Keith and Shirley Ruth Parry.

via LDS Church News.