New district created in South Africa
The Church organized a new district in South African on February 2nd. The Klerksdorp South Africa District was organized from three mission branches in the South Africa Johannesburg Mission, including the Jouberton, Klerksdorp, and Potchefstroom Branches. The newest of these three branches, the Potchefstroom Branch, was organized in 2003, whereas the Klerksdorp Branch has operated since 1966. This area of South Africa on the outskirts of Johannesburg has experienced slow growth. However, the organization of the district may indicate improvements in local leadership development and increases in active membership to warrant the organization of a district. One of the branches in the new district had approximately 50 active members in late 2016 per a report from a local member.
Source: Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)
20+ new stakes to be created in West Africa in 2020
Church leaders in West Africa report that at least 20 new stakes will be created later this year in the Africa West Area. Specific locations for where these new stakes will be created have not yet been announced. One new stake has been organized in West Africa thus far in 2020 – the Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire Selmer Stake on March 1st. It appears the size of current stakes and districts that most of these stakes will be organized in Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire.
Source: Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)
New stake created in Cote d’Ivoire
The Church organized a new stake in Abidjan on March 1st. The Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire Selmer Stake was organized from a division of the Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire Niangon South Stake, Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire Toit Rouge Stake, and the Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire Yopougon Attie Stake. The new stake includes the following six wards: the Andokoi, Foncier, Nouveau Quartier 2nd, Selmer, Sideci 1st, and Sogefiha Wards. Mission leadership report more than 1,000 attended the special conference to create the new stake. The new stake is the Church’s 13th stake to be organized in the Abidjan metropolitan area. Several additional stakes in Abidjan are ready to divide and additional stakes in the city will likely be created later this year.There are now 15 stakes and 17 districts in Cote d’Ivoire
Source: Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)
Missionaries in Liberia temporarily transferred
“Economic conditions in Liberia have continued to deteriorate, leading to increased difficulties in obtaining basic supplies and conducting missionary work,” church spokesman Daniel Woodruff said in a statement Thursday. “For this reason, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has decided to temporarily transfer the remaining 99 missionaries out of that country.
Source: Deseret News
New district in the DR Congo
The Church organized a new district in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) on January 19th. The Kasumbalesa Democratic Republic of the Congo District was organized from four mission branches in the city of Kasumbalesa, which is located on the border with Zambia south of the large city of Lubumbashi. Branches assigned to the new district include the Bilanga, Golf, Kasumbalesa 1st, and Kasumbalesa 2nd Branches.
Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
New stake created in the DR Congo; New district in Mozambique
The Church organized a new stake in the city of Kananga in the Kasai region of the DR Congo.
The Church organized a new district in Mozambique. The Chimoio Mozambique District was created from three branches – two of which were organized the same day as the new district.
Source: Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)
Church Presence Established in Burkina Faso
Mission leadership in the Cote d’Ivoire Yamoussoukro Mission report that the Africa West Area has organized a member group in the capital city of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou.
Source: Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)
New missions announced for Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mozambique & Tanzania
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced the creation of eight new missions. With these additions, beginning July 1, 2020, there will be 407 missions worldwide.